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Website Management

Updates should not be passed off to the magic website update fairy. Allow us to manage your website with simple packages. 

  In today’s business world, your website is one of your most important marketing assets that you own and fund monthly or yearly. Your site content, social media campaigns and other marketing strategies drive traffic to your website, which makes a significant and measurable contribution to the success and growth of your business. However, in order for that to continuously happen effectively someone has to oversee the site and keep your content updated. That person is your website manager.

  Websites are key components of any marketing campaign, and because the internet itself is where customers spend most of their time window shopping, small businesses need to treat their websites like physical stores. 

  This may sound like a hassle, but it's vital to the success of your business, a few things to consider when keeping your website up to date; 

  • Your website can capture statistics that can give you better insight on where your customer traffic is coming from. Giving you information about the effectiveness of your marketing strategy. 

  • Space on a website is near limitless, towards text, images, audio, and video, which makes it more dynamic than any other marketing platform in your arsenal. 

  • Search engine optimization or SEO is how your website gets ranked above others, which means you can advertise to highly targeted customers that search for your products or services. 

  The increasing dynamics of the internet and technology means that an effective website in t requires a considerable investment in time and money. It’s not practical to hire a designer, have your site built, and then forget about it. Someone needs to take on the responsibility for managing the website.

 There is no fixed set of duties that a website manager performs. Some webmasters spend an hour or two a week managing a site, others work at it full time. Some are solely responsible for the site’s technical functionality and code or content updates, while others oversee every aspect of a business’s online marketing campaigns.

Website Management Packages

website management

Standard Services include:

These services are included in each package.

E-Commerce Updates (limited)

Video & Photo Editing (limited)

Form Creation or Update

DataBase Set-Up or Update

Stock Photo & Video  (up to 10 each)

Unlimited email Support

Mobile-Friendly Design Updates

General Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

Meta Tags & JSON Code Updates

Google Analytics Reporting (if requested)

Submit Trouble Tickets




  • Small Website 1-5pages​

  • Perform updates as needed

  • Troubleshoot design on laptop, desktop or mobile device(cell phone or tablet) when applicable. 

  • Custom landing page designs when needed.

  • 3-month commitment

Monthly From:







  • Medium Website 5-10 pages​

  • Perform updates as needed

  • Troubleshoot design on laptop, desktop or mobile device(cell phone or tablet) when applicable. 

  • Custom Landing page designs when needed. 

  • 6 month commitment

Monthly From:





Bright Box


  • Large Website 10-15 pages​

  • Perform updates as needed

  • Troubleshoot design on laptop, desktop or mobile device(cell phone or tablet) when applicable. 

  • Custom landing page designs when needed. 

  • 12 month commitment

Month From:




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